Social Science Baha

MC Regmi Lecture

The annual Mahesh Chandra Regmi Lecture was instituted by Social Science Baha to honour the seminal contribution of historian Mahesh Chandra Regmi to Nepali scholarship. The lecture series invites eminent scholars of the social sciences to present their work before a Kathmandu audience and has now become a much-anticipated event in Nepal’s academic calendar.

The inaugural Mahesh Chandra Regmi Lecture was delivered by Harka Gurung on 24 April, 2003, at the opening of the conference ‘The Agenda of Transformation: Inclusion in Nepali Democracy’. Dr Gurung’s lecture entitled ‘Trident and Thunderbolt: Cultural Dynamics in Nepali Politics’ was given in the presence of the late Mahesh Chandra Regmi himself who was the chief guest on the occasion. Unfortunately, that proved to be Regmi’s last public appearance. (Click here to read the obituary.)

Year Title/Speaker

Revisiting the Yam and the Rocks: Nepal Between India and China

September 11, 2024 Speaker: John Whelpton

The Present Epidemiological Moment and Bio-Politics from Below

December 7, 2020 Speaker: Ranabir Samaddar

Nepal and the Wealth of Knowledge: Inequality, Aspiration, Competition and Belonging

July 23, 2019 Speaker: Joanna Pfaff-Czarnecka

Nepal Saṃvat and Vikrama Saṃvat: Discerning Original Significance

August 30, 2018 Speaker: Gautama V. Vajracharya

Ethnography, History, Culture Enduring Oppositions and Creative Dynamism in Nepal

December 11, 2017 Speaker: David Holmberg

The Idea of Nepal

December 11, 2016 Speaker: David Gellner

Rethinking Secularism: An Invitation to an Experiment

February 1, 2016 Speaker: Shiv Visvanathan

What Led to the 2006 Democratic Revolution in Nepal?

April 12, 2015 Speaker: Chaitanya Mishra

Seed Freedom and Food Freedom in Times of Globalisation

December 22, 2013 Speaker: Vandana Shiva

The Varieties of Democracy

November 7, 2012 Speaker: André Béteille

Globalisation in Nepal: Theory and Practice

August 17, 2011 Speaker: James F. Fisher

Institutions and Resources

December 7, 2010 Speaker: Elinor Ostrom

The Vamshavali from Chamba: Reflections of a Historical Tradition

October 14, 2009 Speaker: Romila Thapar

Where Is the Revolution? Towards a Post-National Politics of Social Justice

August 12, 2008 Speaker: David Ludden

The Return of the Sacred: The Language of Religion and the Fear of Democracy in a Post-Secular World

December 13, 2007 Speaker: Ashis Nandy

Close-Up and Wide-Angle: On Comparative Ethnography in the Himalaya and Beyond

December 16, 2006 Speaker: Michael Oppitz

From Kin to Caste: The Role of Guthis in Newar Society and Culture

September 23, 2005 Speaker: Gérard Toffin

दार्जिलिडमा नेपाली जातियता र वर्तमान केही जनजातीय अडानहरु

August 18, 2004 Speaker: Kumar Pradhan

Trident and Thunderbolt: Cultural Dynamics in Nepalese Politics

April 24, 2003 Speaker: Harka Gurung