A Study of the Challenges Faced by Persons with Disabilities in Post-Earthquake Nepal 2016

This research-based report seeks to empirically assess the contemporary landscape of disability in Nepal, with a focus on the unique challenges faced by persons with disabilities (PwDs) in the wake of the earthquakes that devastated Nepal in April and May of 2015.

Recognizing that it is often the most vulnerable segments of society who suffer the most in the wake of disaster, UNDP Nepal commissioned this study to analyze the uneven impacts of the earthquake on socially disadvantaged groups and persons with disabilities. Conducted during the Early Recovery phase, this study focused on identifying trends of structural inequality and social exclusion that affect differential patterns of resilience and recovery as well as ways these trends might be mitigated from the perspective of policy and practice. As the Reconstruction Phase officially begins, it is important to review and incorporate lessons learned during the Early Recovery period into the larger program of reconstruction and long-term recovery.


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