Social Science Baha

Completed Projects

Political Economy Analysis of Labour Migration Governance in Nepal

Funding Agency: International Labour Organisation
Duration: March to June 2018
This study unpacked the dynamics of labour migration governance in Nepal’s changing governance landscape following the roll-out of federalism in order to inform ILO’s DFID-funded Skills for Employment Programme.

Fair Recruitment of Migrants Workers

Collaborating Partner: Tufts University
Duration: December 2016 to June 2018
CESLAM collaborated with Tufts University in the impact evaluation of the International Labour Organisation’s Integrated Programme on Fair Recruitment of migrant workers. The impact assessment focused on the Nepal-Jordan corridor and worked with fair labour recruiters. The assessment aimed to determine the effectiveness of fair recruitment on debt bondage, excessive overtime, power mindset, migration, regret, cognitive dissonance, abuse, satisfaction, productivity, and firm compliance.

Civic Freedoms Peace and Sustainable Development

Collaborating Partner: Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex
Duration: 1 March 2018 to 30 April 2018
The country case study under this assignment focused on two selected sectors relevant to the SDGs. The study also explored the SDG principle, leave no one behind, and how this may be affected by changes in the state-CSO relationship.
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Assessment of Labour Management System in Transport Projects

Funding Agency: The World Bank
Duration: 1 May 2017 to 31 December 2017
The prime objective of this assignment was to review past experiences and to recommend future improvements in the management of labour issues in transport projects in Nepal. The focus was on two Government of Nepal departments: i) the Department of Roads; and ii) the Department of Local Infrastructure Development and Agricultural Roads. The study addressed the existing need to take stock of systems already in place and to identify any gaps where improvements in the future could provide for better management of risks/impacts associated with labour issues.

Evaluating Responses to the 2015 Nepal Earthquakes

Funding Agency: American Jewish World Service
Duration: 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2017
The broad objective of this research was to understand the scale and manner of the humanitarian response triggered by the 2015 earthquake. It identified the major humanitarian organisations, both governmental and non-governmental, involved in relief and rebuilding efforts, and the working modalities adopted by these organisations to help the earthquake-affected population. The study also assessed the impact of these interventions on the target population and the larger society, while also exploring how and what specifically these external actors have or have not contributed towards developing community resilience that would allow people to respond better to future calamities.

Nationwide Justice Needs Survey in Nepal

Funding Agency: Open Society Institute
Duration: 28 November 2016 to 31 December 2017
The project developed and conducted a general population survey to provide robust statistical evidence on the extent to which civil legal cases, mainly related family and administrative, are experienced, by whom, and how they are dealt with in Nepal.

Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Project Evaluation Study in Nepal

Funding Agency: Americares Foundation
Duration: 4 May 2016 to 15 September 2017

Promotion of Access to Justice of Migrant Workers

Collaborating Partner: People Forum for Human Rights
Duration: May 2016 to September 2017

A Study on the Causes of Women’s Migration to Foreign Employment and Ways for Their Reintegration into the National Labour Market

Funding Agency: UN Women
Duration: January to July 2017
The objective of this study was to generate evidence to inform policy discourse on the causes of women’s migration for foreign employment and ways to reintegrate them back into the national labour market upon their return. 
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Assessing the Economic Contribution of Labour Migration in Developing Countries as Countries of Destination

Funding Agency: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Duration: May 2016 to July 2017
The aim of the assignment was to arrive at a reliable and evidence-based understanding of the economic impact of immigration in Nepal, as part of a larger project looking at 10 low- and middle-income countries. The study consisted of two parts. First, a survey and review of the policy and historical context of immigration in Nepal. The second part consisted of a sector study of trade and  manufacturing in Nepal, which provided an overview of migrant workers in Nepal’s trade and manufacturing sectors, analyses the economic contribution of migrant workers in these sectors, and explored why this contribution might be different from the contribution of native workers. 
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Research on Violence Against Women and Girls in South Asia

Funding Agency: IMC Worldwide
Duration: 1 August 2016 to 31 March 2017
With more women joining the workforce the issue of violence against women in the workplace is coming to the fore. In order to understand its prevalence in Nepal, in coordination with the Department of Women and Children, SSB conducted a survey of 937 members of women’s cooperatives spread across the seven districts of Jumla, Dadeldhura, Bardiya, Ilam, Chitwan, Sarlahi and Kaski.

Migration and Gendered Landscapes: Adding a Gender Dimension to CIFOR’s Research on Mobility

Collaborating Partner: Centre for International Forestry Research
Duration: July 2016 to March 2017
The aim of this project was to produce a peer-reviewed paper through further analysis of the household survey and qualitative data gathered during CIFOR and Social Science Baha’s collaborative research on gender, migration, and forest governance, which examined the nexus between transnational migratory flows, gender equity, and the governance of forests through case studies from Nepal. It also had the added objective of conducting an analysis of policies related to land use change to understand how they consider issues related to migration and whether they are conducive to leveraging migration and remittances for investment in land.