Social Science Baha


Developing Monitoring and Reporting Framework for Labour Migration-Related SDG Targets and Indicators and National GCM Implementation Strategy

Funding Agency : International Labour Organisation

Project Description: Foreign labour migration is likely to play a key role as a source of employment for Nepalis for years to come in the future. In recognition of this fact, the government has taken some initiatives towards enhancing safe, regular and beneficial migration. The monitoring of and reporting on SDG indicators related to labour migration (SDGs 8 and 10) is one such step towards making labour migration safe for Nepalis. On behalf of the National Planning Commission (NPC) and with the support of ILO, the Centre for the Study of Labour and Mobility (CESLAM) at Social Science Baha is undertaking the task of developing a monitoring and reporting (M&R) framework to help the NPC establish a standard set of tools and mechanisms on labour migration-related SDG targets and indicators that would help it report the progress on SDGs to UN High Level Political Forum (HLPT) on Sustainable Development. The tools and mechanisms will also benefit other actors working in the area of labour and migration and the decent work agenda in Nepal. Simultaneously, the project will support the Ministry of Labour Employment and Social Security (MOLESS) to develop the National Global Compact on Migration Implementation Strategies.