Social Science Baha


Gauging Elite Perceptions at the Provincial and Local Levels

Collaborating Partner : The Asia Foundation, Nepal

The objectives of the study are: a) to gauge the perceptions of local elites vis-a-vis public service delivery and planning and decision-making processes at the provincial and local levels in addition to identifying factors that drive their perceptions that aid or hinder their influence and/or participation in agenda-setting and decision-making; b) to explore the role of local elites’ perceptions in enhancing or obstructing public service delivery and also ensuring inclusive and participatory planning and decision-making processes at the provincial and local levels; c) to explore the perceptions of local elites towards the functioning of provincial and federal governments, along with factors that drive the perceptions of local elites regarding the same; and d) to explore the interlinkages between local elites’ perceptions and practices vis-a-vis both public service delivery and planning and decision-making processes, and understand how each affects the other.