Social Science Baha

SSB in the news

वैदेशिक रोजगारीमा श्रमिक, निरन्तर ज्यादती

Nepal May See 28.7 Percent Contraction in Remittance in 2020, Highest in the Developing Asia, ADB Says

Recruiting Agencies Decry Government Directive on Repatriation of Migrant Workers

श्रमिकको पीडा : सरकार! तिमीले तोकेको न्यूनतम तलबले आधा पेट पनि खान पुग्दैन

Help Returning Workers Reintegrate Socio-Economically, Labour Migration Analysts Tell Government

सरकारद्वारा कानुन बिपरित उद्धारको नाममा श्रमिकबाट रकम असुली, कल्याणकारी कोषको ६ अर्ब खोई ?

Jobless and Without Pay, Migrant Workers Are Returning Home. but They Have No Recourse for Compensation

हचुवामा उद्धार र घरफिर्ती

Labour Migration Experts Criticise Government Decision to Resume Foreign Employment

Government Underestimates Number of Workers Awaiting Repatriation, Say Experts

Covid-19: Thousands of Nepali Migrant Workers Remain in Limbo

Government Eyes Massive 700,000 Jobs Within the Country