This study engages with policy and academic debates around how different volunteering modalities contribute to development. It combines analytical insights across projects, programmes and country case studies to deliver understandings of design, management, context and dynamics between different volunteering modalities through a participatory qualitative methodology. The research identifies trends and patterns across diverse projects, providing knowledge to address the following research questions: 1. How do different volunteering modalities contribute value to VSO’s work with primary actors? 2. How might different volunteering modalities be combined to maximise development impact? 3. What are the conditions that contribute to maximising the impact of diverse volunteering modalities, both as individuals, and as teams?

In this report, we explore how and why the ‘blend’ works in the specific context of Nepal. The key findings and overall learning from the research in the three country case studies is consolidated in a final synthesis report. In our analysis, we identify key challenges/obstacles faced by volunteers, primary actors and other stakeholders in relation to their experiences of blended volunteering, and suggest areas for future consideration by VSO, to ensure blended volunteering can achieve optimal and sustained development impacts. Through this, we also consider critical issues for other volunteer-involving development organisations to reflect on and learn from.

Social Science Baha collaborated with International Development at Northumbria University to carry out this study.


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